Jane Mahan

Always striving for excellence, I am committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and continuously expanding my skillset to ensure the highest level of service and innovation.

Here, I will be showcasing my projects, discussing challenges, and sharing tips and tricks that I have learned along the way.

Coming soon !

I am thrilled to share my project experiences during my quest to attain multiple certifications. In my upcoming article, I will be discussing the resume challenge. This particular challenge has been a significant aspect of my journey and has played a vital role in shaping my career.

Stay tuned for an in-depth exploration of the resume challenge and its impact on professional growth.

See more on the Resume Challenge:


See my Resume used in the challenge.


My resume resides in an S3 bucket being served via CloudFront. Route 53 is configured with a certificate stored in ACM, Certificate Manager. I've also configured an Alias for the CloudFront distribution.

The counter at the bottom was retrieved via the API Gateway calling a Lambda function written in Python against a DynamoDB table.

Next, I'll be working on the CloudFormation to complete the project using Infrastructure as Code.

My Projects

As part of my professional development, I have recently achieved the AWS Architect Professional, AWS Developer Associate, and AWS Architect Associate Certifications.

I am now focusing on further enhancing my expertise by working towards obtaining the Kubernetes Application Developer certification.

